It seems bad but the squer root is ambiguous as was pointed in the 5th line (1-3/2)^2 = (2-2/2)^2 as (-1/2)^2=(+1/2)^2 and it is right. But usually we can't make square root from two numbers - like this - from non-added numbers. The square root making refers only to a defined number. This is the trick.
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It seems bad but the squer root is ambiguous as was pointed in the 5th line (1-3/2)^2 = (2-2/2)^2 as (-1/2)^2=(+1/2)^2 and it is right. But usually we can't make square root from two numbers - like this - from non-added numbers. The square root making refers only to a defined number.
OdpowiedzUsuńThis is the trick.